Since the 1950, exploration activities consisting of geophysical surveys and drilling in areas peripheral to the Bucko Lake deposit have led to the discovery and eventual definition of mineral resources at four satellite deposits located between 4 to 30 km of the Bucko Lake Mine. All prospects hold significant resource expansion potential and the opportunity to extend mine life at the Bucko Lake Mine.
These include the Bowden Lake, M11A, Halfway Lake and Apex prospects. All four deposits have known historical resources which the Company will be looking to update into compliant NI43-101 mineral resource update resources in 2023. **All resource figures reported below are historical in nature and should not be relied upon.**
Bowden Lake
The Bowden Lake property consists of two mineral leases and four mining claims covering 1,498 hectares located ~5 km northeast of the Bucko Lake mine. The property is easily accessible by all-weather gravel roads.
The property contains the largest of all satellite historical resources: Inferred Resources of over 2.0 million tonnes grading 1.16% Ni (using 1.00% cutoff) for contained metal of ~52 million lbs (~23.7 million kg) of nickel.
The Bowden Lake prospect was discovered by Falconbridge, which drilled 61 holes over 23,412 metres between 1960 and 1996. Crowflight drilled seven holes in 2005. Significant exploration potential remains to expand the deposit.
The deposit lies within a faulted, folded and pegmatite intruded altered ultramafic-mafic complex enveloped by mafic to felsic gneisses. The deposit consists of a large number of variable sized elongate lenticular disseminated sulfide bodies, all occurring within ultramafic horizons but show no consistent relationship to either structural footwall or hanging wall contacts.
The M11A prospect is located ~4 km northeast of the Bucko Lake deposit and 1 km east of the town of Wabowden on a mineral lease covering 439 hectares and. The project area shares the same good road and infrastructure characteristics as the Bucko Lake deposit. The deposit is located under swampland, which has no development such as town infrastructure or cottages, and is best traveled during the frozen winter months.
Historical Indicated Resources of 800,000 tonnes grading 1.17% Ni (using 1.00% cut-off) for contained metal of ~20.6 million lbs (9.36 million kg) of nickel and Inferred Resources of 525,000 tonnes grading 1.11% (1.00% cut-off) for contained metal of 12.85 million lbs (~5.83 million kg) of nickel. The M11A resources were determined by CaNickel in 2012 using all drilling information to date under the supervision of Mr. James Wong, P. Geo. and P. Eng.The property contains the largest of all satellite Inferred Resources with over 2.0 million tonnes grading 1.16% Ni (using 1.00% cut-off) for contained metal of ~52 million lbs (~23.7 million kg) of nickel.
The prospect was drilled in 2005 by Crowflight and 40 holes totaling 15,415 meters were drilled to 2009. Since 2011, CaNickel drilled another 23 surface drill holes totaling 12,328 m. A variable sized elongate lenticular disseminated sulfide body was defined and occurs within an ultramafic horizon. The M11A mineralized lens strikes over 500 meters at N050° before splitting in two limbs (N-NE and E) over 250 meters. The horizontal thickness varies from 6 to 120 meters. Significant exploration potential remains to expand the deposit.
Primary Ni sulfide mineralization occurs as disseminations interstitial to metasomatized olivine grains. Net textured sulfides have also been observed locally in the peridotites. The sulfides consist of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and mackinawite. Minor accessory violarite and millerite may also be present. Stringer-type mineralization is present in proximity to the pegmatites and consists of hydrothermally remobilized veins and stringers. These are usually massive to semi-massive and contain variable amounts of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite and chalcopyrite.
![halfwaylake property](/images/subpages/halfwaylake-property.webp)
The Halfway Lake property is located outside of the town of Wabowden, Manitoba and ~30 km away from the Bucko Lake mine. Access to the property can be achieved by travelling approximately 20 kilometers NE from Wabowden on the Wekusko-Thompson Highway, and then east 5 kilometers along drill roads to Halfway Lake. The property is presently serviced by road, hydro and telephone and the Canadian National Railway line. There are numerous lakes on the property, which are generally not surrounded by any cottages and represent almost no interest for local inhabitants.
The property contains historical Inferred Resources of 900,000 tonnes grading 1.20% Ni (using 1.00% cut-off) for contained metal of ~23.8 million lbs (~10.8 million kg) of nickel. The deposit is located in an under-explored portion of the Thompson Nickel belt and holds the potential for additional resource expansion.
Between 1960 and 1970, Falconbridge carried out ground magnetic and AFMAG-EM Surveys and followed up with a regional follow-up program of drilling. During this period, a total of 36 holes were drilled on the property testing shallow targets. Between 1994 and 1996, Falconbridge carried out a regional Geotem Airborne EM Survey and followed this up with ground HLEM and Magnetic Surveys. Falconbridge subsequently drilled a total of 13 diamond drill holes focused on a mineralized ultramafic in the northeast of the property. Significant results from this drilling included a zone of 1.19% Nickel over 7.97 meters; 1.25% Nickel over 5.72 m; 1.23% Nickel over 0.80 m, and the best interval gave 1.38% Nickel over 17.55 m. In 2007-2008, Crowflight drilled another 13 holes totaling 5,734 meters.
Past and recent drill holes have revealed significant results, which included a zone of 1.19% Nickel over 7.97 meters (Hole # HW94-02); 1.25% Nickel over 5.72 meters (Hole # HW96-08), and the best interval to date gave 1.38% Nickel over 17.55 meters (Hole # HW95-05) – see cross section below.
In 2007, Crowflight followed up favorable intercepts with the goal of further assessing resource potential of the area and establishing inferred resources. Crowflight drilled. Two holes in 2007 intersecting widths of mineralization in excess of 9 meters grading 1.4% nickel and further exploration is warranted.
The property is underlain by an Archean banded magmatic gneiss complex, which includes plagioclase-quartz-biotite-hornblende gneisses (granite to granodiorite gneisses), hornblende-biotite gneisses and amphibolite rocks. Younger felsic feldspar-quartz (± biotite) pegmatitic dykes and intrusions cross cut and intrude all gneissic lithologies. The more amphibole and biotite-rich gneisses and amphibolites may be the metamorphic equivalent of upper Ospwagan mafic volcanic rocks. Ultramafic (peridotite and pyroxenite) bodies, invariably altered to serpentinite, tremolite, anthophyllite with minor biotite, talc and chlorite, have been drill intersected in several localities within the Halfway Lake property.
The Apex deposit is located ~4km north of the Bucko Lake mine on a mining claim covering 135 hectares.
Historical Inferred Resources of 41,000 tonnes grading 1.19% Ni (using 1.00% cut-off) for contained metal of 1,076,000 lbs (488,000 kg) of nickel.
From 2007 to 2008, Crowflight drilled 13 holes totaling 4,263 meters, the results of which were used to determine a 2008 inferred mineral resource. Drilling of the Apex Prospect in 2008 yielded no significant intercepts but additional resource expansion potential remains at depth.
Deposit is underlain by Archean magmatic gneisses and Opswagan Group (Manasan Formation) metasediments hosting concordant ultramafic rocks. The western portion of the Lease is underlain by an amphibole quartz monzonite believed to be an extension of the Resting Lake Pluton. The full extent of the Opswagan Group metasedimentary sequence in this area is poorly understood.
Primary nickel sulfide mineralization at Apex occurs as disseminations interstitial to metasomatized olivine grains. Net textured sulfides have also been observed locally in the peridotites. The sulfides consist of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and mackinawite. Minor accessory violarite and millerite may also be present. The deposit type is disseminated to semi-massive sulfides in serpentinized peridotite. These tend to be large tonnage, low-grade deposits but may contain high-grade cores within a low tonnage host. Host serpentinite may occur within the metasedimentary (e.g. Pipe mine) or gneiss units.
Satellite Deposit Drilling & Resource Summary
Summary of Drilling at Bucko Lake & Satellite Deposits since 1960s | ||||||
Company Name | Year | Property | Metres Drilled | Number of holes | ||
Falconbridge/Nuinsco/ | Crowflight1962-2008 | Bucko Lake | 101,174 | 340 | ||
CaNickel/Crowflight | 2009-2012 | Bucko Lake | 42,471 | 285 | ||
CaNickel | 2013 | Bucko Lake | 8,683 | 17 | ||
Subtotal Bucko | 152,328 | 642 | ||||
Falconbridge/Crowflight | 2007-2008 | Halfway Lake | 23,671 | 82 | ||
Falconbridge/ | Crowflight/CaNickel1960-2012 | M11A | 34,900 | 132 | ||
Crowflight | 2007-2008 | Apex | 5,134 | 17 | ||
Falconbridge/ | Crowflight/CaNickel1963-2012 | Bowden Lake | 40,200 | 91 | ||
Subtotal Satelites | 110,675 | 322 | ||||
Grand Total | 263,003 | 964 |
Historical Statement of Mineral Resources at Satellite Deposits near Bucko Lake Mine as of April 1, 2012 (Source: 2012 NI43-101 Technical Report dated October 2012) | ||||||
Deposit | Resource Classification | %Ni Cut-off | Tonnes | Ni % | Ni Lbs | Ni Kgs |
M11A North | Measured | 1.00% | - | 0.00% | - | - |
M11A North | Indicated | 1.00% | 800,000 | 1.17% | 20,639,000 | 9,362,000 |
Total M&I | Meas + Ind | 1.00% | 800,000 | 1.17% | 20,639,000 | 9,362,000 |
M11A North | Inferred* | 1.00% | 525,000 | 1.11% | 12,850,000 | 5,829,000 |
Apex | Inferred* | 1.00% | 41,000 | 1.19% | 1,076,000 | 488,000 |
Bowden | Inferred* | 1.00% | 2,044,000 | 1.16% | 52,281,000 | 23,715,000 |
Halfway Lake | Inferred | 1.00% | 900,000 | 1.20% | 23,814,000 | 10,802,000 |
Total | Inferred* | 3,510,000 | 1.16% | 90,021,000 | 40,834,000 |